Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Taking A Break!

Nicky decided to take a small break from playing yesterday!

Monday, May 15, 2006

2 for 1!

Happy Belated Mother's Day Grandma!!!!!!

The kids really miss their grandma! Especially Matthew! He talks all the time about going to see her and letting Boo out of her cage! I really wish that we could make the move back! I try all the time with Paul, but right now he just isn't ready for his own business reasons.

Happy Birthday Matthew!

Today my li'l bugga turns 4. Now longer a baby...but a little man!

Today we are going to have some cake and ice- cream. At the end of the month we are going to have a birthday party for him at McDonalds.

The weather has been gorgeous! The kids are out right now playing in the pool! It is even a little to hot for me!!!

Happy Mother's Day to Aunt Lynn, Aunt Gladys and Carol.....and to all our freinds and family!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

It's That Age!

OH that whinny nothing makes me happy stage is here! Poor Nicky ( and Mommy)! Nicky just can't find his happy place without Mommy being there! Either I need to be holding him or sitting right there with him to play! Momma Mia...I am so tired and need a break.....I am not handling this change as well as I should be! As much as I love my chunky monkey......I hope that it passes soon!!!!

The picture was taken last night during one of his finer moments!!!! He is one handsome dude I must say!

Monday, May 08, 2006


Yesterday we spent the day doing some of the yard work. Matthew was funny......i was aerating the lawn and he comes over and goes " ahhh mom, you making poop holes?" was very cute! We ended up going for a really nice walk saturday. Pulled the little ones in the wagon( Nicky loves the wagon) , Matthew rode his quad, Emily used Samantha's scooter was nice. Matthew is so good on that quad...can't wait til he gets older to get him a real one!!!

Today is a cloudy cool day.... no outside play today! :o(

I think Nicky is getting something...slight fever and very tired!

Friday, May 05, 2006


Nothing much today! Nicky has been very clingy for two days now! His little temper is showing itself more and more each day! Sam needs to see the doctor about her tonsils...something gross going on there! Weather has been absolutely they have been enjoying the outdoors. Hopefully we can get the bikes all ready and go for a bike ride somtime this weekend!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Just Another Tuesday!

A Wonderful Blustery Day!

Well the weather here isn't so nice today! Quite windy and chilly. Had some freezing rain. I swear the weather here is so unpredictable. You know that saying here...wait 5 minutes and the weather will change again. We really have been spoiled with some nice weather lately, guess we can't complain.

The kids were so excited to talk to Grandma Brownlee the other day. Matthew thinks she is coming for his birthday! Don't have the heart to arguee with him that she isn't coming.

Nicky is still having problems with his bowel movements. It has been three nights and two days and he refuses to go. I even tried helping him...that didn't work. So tonight will be another shot of Senokot for him! Poor little guy!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Long Over Due!

OMG I can't believe how long over due I am with this blog!

Quick tidbits to catch you all up on the kids!


- Nicky is walking! He is all over the place! Up and down the stairs like a pro! He thinks he is such a big boy! He is the cutest baby I have ever met.We have been truly blessed with him! He is so happy...he does have his moments, but he is just a happy little guy.He has such a sweet personality but at the same time he can be such a "get out of my way' little dude! He is always making us laugh. All the kids get a kick out of little Nicky Icky! Not sure if all of you were aware that Nicky did have a seizure some time ago...about 2 months ago....glad to report nothing since!

- Matthew, well what can I say...Matthew is Matthew! He was quite sick last weekend ...the couldn't figure out what was wrong...but he is ok now. He spent 4 days in a row at the doctors and an evening at the hospital. Matthew is enjoying the warm weather we are having...outside all the time playing with the water. Can you believe that he is going to be 4 in 2 weeks!!!!!

-Emily, our little social butterfly is never home now! She is always at her friends house. She always seems to come home with a cloud of dust around her! Just like Pig Pen from the Peanut Characters.

- Samantha is doing good, Got her report card....a little better then last...but not where it should be! She has been a great help to me and Paul the last few weeks.
